César Olea

Software Developer | CTO of LoanPro

11 Mar 2021

Native compilation and "pure" GTK in Emacs

There's some very exciting developments in the Emacs world: native compilation of elisp and a "pure" GTK frontend for E...
12 Jan 2021

Writing AWS lambdas with ClojureScript

## Deprecation notice! {#note} This article has been superseeded by [writing AWS lambdas with shadow-cljs]({{< relref "...
10 Nov 2020

Free Your Brain, Free Yourself and Become a Better Professional

> TL;DR for my org-roam configuration, jump to [Setting up a Zettelkasten in Emacs](#setting-up-a-zettelkasten-in-emacs...
02 Oct 2020

DNS Crash Course

DNS is an integral part of the Internet and a very important application layer protocol. Still, developers building Web...
28 Sep 2020

Literate Emacs Configuration

I've migrated my Emacs configuration to use a literate programming style, after several unsuccessful attempts at better...